West Coast IPA 15% vol.III.
Beer series West Coast IPA 15%, third time (VOL.III) with Citra, Loral and Mosaic hops. The beer has been brewed using typical method for American IPA like water treatment, mash infusion, whirpool and dry hopping. The resulting beer is pale in color, with a lighter body and higher bitterness. Used hop adds an aroma of tropical fruit, citrus, blueberries and resin.
Cyklopice 10%
Cyclopice 10% is a top-fermented beer brewed by 1 mash. We used only one hop variety Sorachi Ace. NO dry hopping, hops only in the brewhouse and in the whirlpool. CYKLOPICE is a light, pleasantly aromatic beer for summer refreshment and quenching thirst. Recommended by 9 out of 10 cyclists !!!
Eclipse SMASH Ale 13%
Single (S) Malt (M) and (A) single (S) hop (H) = SMASH: beer brewed from one variety of malt and hops. The malt used is pale Pilsen and the Australian hop variety ECLIPSE. The result is a straw-light ALE beer with a strong aroma of citrus, sweet fruit and little resin.
Ich liebe dich IPA 16%
Pivo, které má srdce a koule🙂 Výrazné chmelové aroma po citrusech, grepech a dalším ovoci s příjemnou sladkostí a intenzivnější hořkostí. Na studené chmelení použit americký Centennial, novozélandské Motueka, Waimea a Nelson Sauvin.
Ležák 11%
Traditional Czech bottom-fermented lager. Brewed in a two-mash way with a gentle bitterness caused by Czech hop types: “Saaz” (ŽPČ) and Premiant.
Top-fermented American Pale Ale beer. Golden color, pleasant fullness, refreshing bitterness and aroma of flowers, fruits and citrus of American hops Cascade, Amarillo and Mosaic.
IPA 14%
Noble IPA beer style with American hops. Top-fermented beer with a strong aroma of resin (almost pine), citrus and tropical fruit. Typical high to dry bitterness.
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